No, not the movie. The cheap plastic imitation that resides in the Nevada deserts.
I spent three nights in the Sin City (aka Las Vegas) and that was enough. Every place full of casinos - as if I didn't know that when I decided to go there - and every casino a maze. I had a great room for extremely cheap price. The bathroom was larger than most hotel rooms that I have slept in.
In this town everything is a cheap plastic imitation - almost. The heat was real, though. Daily temperatures were somewhere around 42-43 centigrade. And the thunderstorm, coincidentally, was also real. Yes, it does rain in the Sin City, perhaps once a year and I managed to get there at exactly the right time to witness it. Lightnings were cool, even though at first I thought they were just a part of another casino's outside show to attract more people.
To escape I spent yesterday looking at something that was definitely not a cheap plastic imitation of Grand Canyon. Though not the biggest canyon in the world, it was magnificient. It would have been good to make a trip to go down to the canyon instead of just seeing it from the ground above, but I didn't have the time, or could have had, but bungled my roll for choosing the right tour. Still seven hours was enough to know I want to see more, some other day. Water rafting down in the river should be cool.
Today (Wednesday) I drove all the way from the Sin City to Berkeley, 550 miles, 880 kilometers. It took about 9 hours and I spent about 40 minutes with another 2000 cars in the middle of Mojave desert (well outskirts, I guess) stopped dead on our tracks, because a car had crashed into the highway and blocked both lanes. Even I sweated a little bit.
Tomorrow I'll see more of Berkeley and meet some interesting research people. And lots of cool stuff for the weekend - I can't wait to get up to Napa Valley.
Markets in everything?
1 tunti sitten
2 kommenttia:
Las Vegas on minun mielestä upea kaupunkin johonkin New Yorkin harmaaseen betoni kyhäelmään verrattuna. New York on mielestäni kaikista rumin kaupunki mitä olen nähnyt
Mielenkiintoista. Itse taas pidän New Yorkista huomattavasti enemmän kuin Las Vegasista.
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