maanantaina, kesäkuuta 26, 2006


Olen lukenut ja hankkinut kirjoja paljon täälläoloaikanani. Alla lista
kirjoista, jotka olen lukenut. Jos joku kirja kiinnostaa erityisesti, voin
kirjoittaa mielipiteeni.

Robert Drews: The End of the Bronze Age
Sabatino Moscati: The World of the Phoenicians
Livius: History of Early Rome
Peter Wells: The Battle that Stopped Rome
Matthew Barnett, et. al: The Fighting Techniques of the Medieval World
Machiavelli: The Prince
Philip Ziegler: The Black Death
Gottried: The Black Death
Susan Scott & Christopher Duncan: Return of the Black Death, the World's
Greates Serial Killer
Christopher Hibbert: The Days of the French Revolution
John Pimlott: Rommer and his Art of War
Robert Coram: Boyd, the Fighter Pilot who Changed the Art of War
Kevin Mitnick: The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of
Richard Feynman: Mitä siitä, mitä muut ajattelevat
Merrit Roe Smith and Leo Marx: Does Technology Drive History
David Levine and Michelle Boldrin: Agains Intellectual Monopoly
Lawrence Lessig: Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace
Jack Goldsmith, Tim Wu: Who Controls the Internet
Christenssen: Innovator's dilemma
Hal Varian et. al: The Economics of Information Technology
Neil Gaiman: The Sandman 1-10
Death, the High Cost of Living
Marvel 1603
John Fasman: The Geographer's Library

Osittain luetut

Thomas P. Hughes: Rescuing Prometheus
J.R. Mcneill and William H. McNeill: The Human Web
Vinck: Everyday Engineering
Gauthier: Morals by Agreement
Caesar : Gallic War
Peter Heather: The Fall of the Roman Empire
Donald McKenzie: the Social Shaping of Technology
Polya: How to Solve it
Foddy: Constructing Questions for Interviews and Questionnaires
Ben Klemens: Math You Can't Use

Osittain luetut, vielä loppuun lukemista odottavat:

Norman Cantor: In the Wake of the Plague
John Norwich: A Short History of Byzantium
Jeffrey Russell: Satan, the Early Christian Tradition
Carman and Harding: Ancient Warfare
Edeward Luttwak: The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire
George R.R.Martin: A Feast of Crows

Lukemista odottavat (en siis ole vielä ehtinyt aloittamaan):

A. Moote and D. Moote: The Great Plague
John Kelly: The Great Mortality

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