Markets in everything?
1 tunti sitten
Random thoughts from id. About my life, personal ramblings, singing, roleplaying, volley ball, politics. Life, universe and everything. Finnish and English. Depending on day, the phase of the moon and cosmic radiation.
2 kommenttia:
The original story comes from here:
It is long, well written and thoroughly thought-provoking. I highly recommend it.
How about this?
"Mapuche Indians in Chile are trying to take global software giant Microsoft to court in a legal battle which raises the question of whether anyone can ever "own" the language they speak.
he row was sparked by Microsoft's decision last month to launch its Windows software package in Mapuzugun, a Mapuche tongue spoken by around 400,000 indigenous Chileans, mostly in the south of the country.
Mapuche tribal leaders have accused the U.S. company of violating their cultural and collective heritage by translating the software into Mapuzugun without their permission."
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