Tuesday: Durable Goods, Case-Shiller House Prices
3 tuntia sitten
Random thoughts from id. About my life, personal ramblings, singing, roleplaying, volley ball, politics. Life, universe and everything. Finnish and English. Depending on day, the phase of the moon and cosmic radiation.
2 kommenttia:
Jaa'a, vaikea kysymys. Toisaalta voisivat pistää sinne vaikka ydinpommin, jos eivät välittäisi siviiliuhreista.
On kuitenkin vaikea tietää missä määrin on oikeasti kyse siviiliuhreista välittämisestä versus kansainvälisen yhteisön kohdistamasta sosiaalisesta paineesta minimoida siviiliuhrien määrä.
Yeah, it's true that if Israel cared nothing whatsoever for civilian casualties (both arab and their own) they could just nuke the hell out of Lebanon and other adjacent countries, so I agree that "no regard to civilian casualties" is a quite extreme way to describe the current situation. However, unfortunately it doesn't change the fact that neither does Israel seem to care too much even if they incur quite substantial civilian casualties (atm apparently 300+ in Lebanon alone) as a result of their anti-terror campaign, which is regettable.
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